Having first prize! (7) River or Reservoir He will take in sizes they half finish (8) Tree holds confused unknown gerbil (10) 2 words Three clues we hear (12) 2 words Containers of cream product are...
He will take in sizes they half finish (8)
Tree holds confused unknown gerbil (10) 2 words
Three clues we hear (12) 2 words
I replace you soundly in debris tip (10)...
Measure one daughter (6)
Soapy bird? (4) River or Reservoir
Having first prize (7)
He will take in sizes they half finish (8)
Tree holds confused unknown gerbil (10) 2 words...
Cryptic. All found in Yorkshire 1. Put river in most of back lake (6) 2. Religious figure got in a mess in directions to lobby (14) 2 words 3. Drive any number to position (10) 2 words 4. Broken toy...
Add or include "bridge" or "thorpe" 1. Raised first two elves (12) 2. Wooden bar providing first fence (13) 2 words Cryptic. 3. Put river in most of back lake (6) 4. Religious...
All answers can be found in Yorkshire Add or include "bridge" or "thorpe" 1. Penny off impression for a penny! (14) 2 words 2. Raised first two elves (12) 3. Wooden bar providing...
All found in Yorkshire 1. God to half of Sweden! (7) 2. Green target chum rebuilt with new roof (12) 3 words 3. To "Point to Point" (6) 4. Start reorganisation in branch (6) 5. Trek umpteen...
I would appreciate help with the following.
Animal keeper with no animals! (7) (includes "by", "ley" or "ton"
Trees in passage (9)
Dance around large vessels (8)...
All these can be found in Yorkshire Would appreciate any help! Home of society's fundholder (15) (2 words) Jack's muck (10) Sounds as if clothes are suitable for sweet boy? (11) Animal keeper with no...