17d Duck holds bear up (not taking the ***) T?E????? 19d Possible pot victim has to throw rest out ?O?S??? 22d Can Labour finally overcome left T?I?E? Has to be either Toiled or Toiler but cannot see...
38a Part of fallen rock from the east (6) ???N?? Could be the name of a tree.
43a Animal getting a clip (7) Could also be a tree (theme of the crossword)...
Stuck on COTW
Broken down - please pass (6). No letter given.
Pretty arcane this week, I mean Tishahbav and Zamindari - not quite in the lingua franca!...
Stumped on the week 1291 Boris himself not entirely a Conservative Politician? R?s?i is it Rossi? Some glib Minister not entirely up in the clouds ????i Old estate in S Africa with view and fresh air?...
5d Keep bottles of white wine S?A?E. Soave? But how does one get the O in SAVE?
23d After polling, Tory peer’s following very uncertain V?G?E.
Has to be Vague but is there a Lord Ague?...
Does anyone have the linked clues (or answers) from Saturday's GK crossword to match to yesterday's Herculis. Answers from Herculis are
Last two to get: 24d Greek island starts to make it with the Spanish. M?L?S Looks like Milos but "the Spanish" would indicate "EL". Can't see it. COTW Singer in company, soprano ultimately? (8, singer...
5d X might represent this organ (5) T?M?S 4d New in this country , present name 'alien' (7) U???O?? 9a Time right after strip for a noted man (6) ?R?T?? 13a Seize one's money (7) ???O??? 14d Barely...
Last three to get: 13a shares a letter with 14d marked as ^ 13a Characters enthralled by gold English antique. O?^?N. Presume it begins OR^?N 14d Fruit products - leading items. ^?T?L?N?S could be...
Two to get. Across clues are cryptic, down clues are straight 9a Instruction's not on for minor ?E?S 19d The earliest you can answer A?A? This is supposed to be a straight clue! All I could think of...
Final two to get:
21d Asian somewhat extraordinarily on the way up (5) I?A?I looks like Iraqi but can't see the reasoning.
COTW: Struggle between two parties of right and left D???...