Being really dim this week so help would be appreciated. 19A Geisha girl, some bird ---G (is it shag?) 26A One missing from partner from north going west in bay, maybe W---W 20D Not so easy to accept...
I've been lazy this week and a bit dim as I can't get the answers to 11A Fuss when shy person gets ring t- do. 24A formerly round the bend -- -l- 20D Actually faced puzzle two, say, completed d- --c-o...
Hi all - this is really bugging me.... I'm stuck with the "Now For Something Different" I initially thought it was because I knew nothing about football!!!!! But now I have answered all the football...
Help please - 13 Across T-R-E- (think it may be tureen) 15 Across -E-D---A (green item of clothing found going round oriental joint. 19Across -S-- -P (mention something unpleasant from boring person...
Just signed up. Have been doing this crossword for ages and have so far won 3 book tokens. Never the pen! So if you can't beat them join them! Help needed with 7d please e-p-s-n-