The answers to the clues are songs by singers who sang in Q 1-28 of the quiz 31)Me-a stone 32)The way to get over the rapids 35)Camera I broke in the States 28)A small common bird 41)Does this tune...
Do you think it appropriate for the calls to prayer, the 'Adhan', which is the Islamic call to public prayer from a mosque recited by a muezzin at prescribed times of the day. (Adhan is recited from...
carli norris was in a tv sitcom which never aired on tv for some reason. Can anybody tell me what the series was called? No mention of it anywhere on IMDB or the www.
24d nothing sure astir to stir(5)?o?s?
29a fiddler on the flamin roof was he, anecdotally(4)n?r?
14d man, five former wives? how that annoys(5)e?x?s ( not sure of letters...
But CB gets more traffic... In a bit of a pickle... I have been issued with court costs totaling £161, to be paid at £5 p/w Upon leaving court the usher gave me a leaflet detailing fine collection...
Does anyone care if someone wants to pay large sums of money to a 17 year old young man for them?
Is this simply a battle between the different news channels?...
The answer to the clues are 2 words Remove a letter from the first word to give the second For example USE WOOL, NEEDLES, INSTRUCTIONS AND PARTS Knit kit USED TO WORK OUT WHAT KIND OF WEATHER Brain...
A good friend died two years ago come this August following the death of her husband exactly a year before,we had many happy holiday with the two of them and she always said I was the sister she never...
all answers are cryptic and anagrams Just struggling on the last few No 11, Military will comply with a kicking sport (5) I thought maybe Boots but someone suggested Wilco? N0 42 A Soccer period has...
Just one more left I penciled in an answer I was given before can anyone confirm if this is right or another shop answer I had was Dolcis False God I exclude, xenophobia omit male sheep (6) thankyou...