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1d   Rotating degenerate neutron star that emits radio and other electromagnetic radiation detected on earth as beats.  P  -  -  -  A  - 12a  9th century...
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21d  Method of determining the position of a body by the distance and direction of its travel 4 and 9            - E - D  and 3...
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30 d  Mongolian emperor    Kublai Khan Is there another way of spelling Kublai? five letters
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has anyone been able to get through to the answer number given, I cant, I just get an error message
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14a - c_m_n_e My last one...any ideas??
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14 across.  In ancient Roman myth the goddesses of springs and wells who were later identified by the Greeks as the Muses.  C - M - N - I.  Have typed in various combinations such as...
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GK Fanatic
OK last one and I could guess but won't!!11d An artificial water trench, especially one to or from a mill  L?A? Thanks in anticipation of Shaneystars dog being back from its walk!!
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51 across. Speech sound that is accompanied by an auditory effect produced in the vocal chords                S - N - N --
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numbers used to prefix tel no when making long distance call?
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edgar stocks
17a a chief of a north american indian tribe s???m?r
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16 across.  Strongly sprung metal device for holding papers together ?  -U - L - - -  C - I - Looks like something CLIP 27 down.  Ionised region of the atmosphere about 150 miles...
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If Paris is 102, Lisbon is 39, Athens is 110, Moscow is 159. In the same context what is Berlin??
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I know I am being very thick this morning but I cannot make up the words.So far I have: RUMBLE SEAT PACE BOWLER However,I am left with RADIO,BOND,PAIR and MARKER Any ideas very welcome !!!
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Much help needed today please. 26 Down.Acronym for the 1984 Act of Parliament dealing with detention of suspects and their rights.    P - C - Am hopeless at linked words this week. From...
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Tony F
1a Final performance or a last act before retirement S???,????
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1 down.  Covered with protective barbs spines or hairs S - - - S - 6 down Applaud a performanence with shouts of "Excellent, very well donein Italian B - A - I - S - M - Could it be...
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3 down. Hard flexilble timber used for creating bows.  3 letters  (Oak, Elm or Box perhaps ????) 4 down.  Johann; first printer in Europe to use movable type and the printing press. - -...
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First King of the northern kingdom of Israel who gave his name to a very large wine bottle. - E _ O _ O - M   I am torm between JEROBOAM and REHOBOAM
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One last request.49 across  In Greek mythology, the tearaway son of Helios who killed himself driving his father's chariot too close to Earth.  My research suggests PHAETON but that is one...
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27a- a promise that an unaccepted offer will be renewed in the future 4.5 ??o? c?e?k   33a- plot of land near to a house that is used to grow food for the table 7,6 ???c?e? garden   26a-...

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