And are we all present and correct, for the start of a new game and a new month as well !!! I'm not too sure about the mob in the Shrubbery, they may all be snowed in and totally inebriated to boot -...
Good morning all - I do hope no-one was washed away over night - what a pity we can't manage to channel some down my way, it would be very welcome. Sounds like the usual suspects were busy in 'the...
17a original name of the Galilean fisherman who later became Bishop of Rome ? I ? O ? (St. Peter?) 24a Effervescent water artificially charged with carbon dioxide 4 and 4 ? L ? B ? O ? A (Club Cola?)...
85a compendium of infor from the Greek for general education. 12 letters e ---c-o-e--- 51a horizonal waist support usd by ballert dancers 5 letters -e --- 10d genus of graceful brazilian palm 7...
Does any member of MM or KM Links 'gang' know how I can get an e-mail to Kate Mepham. We are being seriously descriminated against up here in the North. Our average 1st class mail is taking 3-4 days...