what song are these from 1. what are wonderful things 2. someday i'll get a thrill. from what? 3. what is that happy tune? 4. where will johnny go to sleep? 5. why are we here? 6. where did i see you... ...
Out of 60, I've just got these 4 that have stumped me: KARIBBEAN BALTIK KELEBES ADRIATIK KHUKKHI BLAKK KASPIAN In a box on the left in a column - 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 STEP 6 STEP, then outside... ...
prime minister-but which one 1. Was Charles Watson-Wentworth before assumiong his peerage? 2."thought he would be good at it"? 3.arranged for the earl of Avon to be flown home from florida? 4. was the... ...