Help please. 1.Who produced the first sample of sodium metal? 2.Where was Macbeth reputedly killed? 3.where is Scotland's newest distillery to be built?
Just two to finish this one so would appreciate some help as it needs to be posted soon. A kind of porridge made from corn was eaten on Christmas Eve in England, what was it called? Tho' days below...
Q 84, "Is just enough to give your kids a treat" (1,6,2,5,) Could anyone out there please give any clues on the above question. Also Q 34, Saw Richard (7-4) Thank You
With the Post Office now not collecting on a Sunday from former designated boxes and even Saturday collections ( the next to go??) often taking place before noon, crosswords completed at the weekend...
There's still plenty of time to go to do the Weeke Primary School Association (Registered Charity # 1110977) 50th Anniverary Quiz. There are 100 general knowledge questions based on 50 years ago and...
1. The Act or proces of making an aircraft airborne. 2 WORDS 4, 3, T??E ??F 2. Tropical Asian palm, some species of which are source of ratten and cane. 7 LETTERS C??A??? 3. A metal loop inserted...
1 in which city is the novel 1984 set? 2 no ships seen here 3 welsh chapel in the woods 4 sacred nail top? 5 old english market motorcycle 6 building society 7 add to 8 which british city has been...