Just spent about 1 hour fixing the internet on my computer, then it wouldn't open up my documents or any programs, so spent another half an hour fixing that. All whilst next door have got a bonfire,...
Just spent about 1 hour fixing the internet on my computer, then it wouldn't open up my documents or any programs, so spent another half an hour fixing that. All whilst next door have got a bonfire,...
i was given a caution the other day by the police for being drunk with my friends in town they remarked on my oufit but i have no idea why it was a mini skirt knee boots and a boob tube why cant i...
And test this experimental music file out? Its an original track designed to clear away your stresses and relax you at the same time. (i did it myself) Lie down or sit down in a comfortable position...
It is set to cause some debate but brand Dove is set to use women recovering from eating disorders in its latest advertising campaign. It is intended to reach the people on a deeper level and...
Wondered who was ringing me earlier tonight but soon twigged I was being fonejacked. Has anyone else had this happen yet since the tv programme aired.?
Reading the earlier post on Jordans baby,why do people assume the surname will be Andre?When i married i kept my name,when i had a baby she took my name.Its the 21st century after all.Anyone else keep...