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pillj123 often do you do it?? Are you a daily domestos applier...or do you leave it till there are rather unpleasant stains appearing?????...
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A very good morning to you all, looks pretty misty outside here in the eastern shires. Putting a plan together to redecorated No1 son's house this morning, then settle down this afternoon with a...
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I have just noticed Tinks is appearing on the right side of this page inbetween the ads in a subscribed anyone else experiencing this or a thread they have subscribed this...
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Evening all. I just wanted to share some things with everyone. 1) NoM will not let me read Pistonheads in peace. She insists that I do a miniblog about my scrotum 2) My nuts are killing me 3)...
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Do you think its safe to take my cosy off yet (hot in this pot) or will I regret it and invite a change of weather? Ne'er cast a clout and all that.........
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commoner Humperdink is the UK repredentative in the Eurovision Song Contest I see.....75 years young ....always thought he was older than me....;-)
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I think she's worn that dress before. It's quite nice, but the neckline is not really working for me. I suppose it's meant to look "gathered" but, in fact, I think it just looks scrunched....
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EcclesCake bed? As an adult unless staying with friends or family I never wear anything in bed unless it is really cold. A friend was quite shocked to learn that we sleep in the nude and it got me...
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Does this happen to anyone else? When I click on a thread there is about a 6" advert under it. when I click on any post there is a Ad there, I have to scroll down to see how many answers have...
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Would you eat something today which had a use by date of Feb 25th? I was going to have some M&S Leek and potato soup at lunch time- the fresh type in a plastic pot- but I mustnt have checked the...
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Im reading an autobiography by Lisa maxwell Shes in the bill and on loose women... Got it as a gift- quite like autobiographys Im enjoying it....but she refers to her looks alot? Im almost getting te...
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Sad loss - one of the greatest of the sixties pop bands. Oh I feel my age now ...!...
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How come it's only Paddy's day that appears to be celebrated. Is it true? We're just a bunch of pee heads? :0)...
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I have been ill for over a week stuck in bed 4 day stuck at home on sofa the rest, still feel bad, can't breath at all. Had lots of aches and pains/symptoms constant coughing. Bf says I have a cold...
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I bought my wife some flowers for Valentine's Day - red and white roses and phlox. We put the vase on the hearth and all the cats became obsessed with them. One of them has eaten the tops off two of...
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I'm watching a program about Whitney Houston and just realised that it was two years ago on the same day that Alexander McQueen died. It got me thinking about celebrities and how much people (fans)...
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http://www.dailymail....airport-security.html It would seem that in 2012 Britain, the great British sense of humour is frowned upon so much so, that you can be detained for it. /// commenting on the...
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Why has foot largely replaced feet as a plural in everyday speech? e.g. 17 foot long. 55 foot wide. 89,000 foot in diameter. etc....
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Deactivated due to some nastiness from an ex member of this site shame really liked batting a few messages around... its really not worth the risk hopefully those that were in touch with me will see...
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Whatever happened to the thread about the lifesaving owl? It was pretty tame (the thread not the owl) when I went to watch the TV but it seems to have flown off somewhere (the thread and the owl). Did...

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