1. Capital loses a letter then grows (7,7) 2.queens Christmas special was when (4) 3. Finish with a tiny bit (6) 4. Scottish whiskey (5) Think no. 4 might be grouse but not sure. Thanks in advance for... ...
Very soft in the drinks 6letters A bone with a girl 6 letters Three directions to a tearoom 7 letters Weep over mixed fish 6 letters Vehicle in a bed 6 letters Any help much appreciated. Thanks
Poets Quiz
2. Spanners
3. Note English loch
4. Tall chap
5. Colour in Note
6. Mother went south east to pasture.
Answers are all poets
Any help much appreciated...
Too much alcohol and frozen water might make you go! (9) The tawniest hooker sweats with this (5,9) When untamed ask her twice for an answer (4,5) Larry was mixed up with widow in quite a sweat (4,6)...
if your birthday is on christmas day it is said... 3,4,5,3,1,5 Was is a NT hit single. It's certainly very populat with choirs 6,5 what we all want when we go singing 4,5,7 dropping is the result and...