Stuck on a few this morning ... 19d north-west town's sportsman (forward) (6) ???t?? 20d answer must include the ancient city (6) ?e?e?? 27a they say Mr. Broadbent's tired with sportswear (3,5) gym...
Stuck on two this morning ....
10a advertisement featured by f lier (6) p???i?
5d chunky rolls with cheese that's fine and crisp (7) t???e?a
Many thanks in advance, Chox....
Stuck on this one as well this morning . 24a neither con breaking loose (10) ?n?o?e?e?? 26a following fashion, vacuous lightweight to fall for small diversion (5,5) ?o?e? t?a?? 22d upside down with...
stuck on a few this morning .... 11a plitician: choice of extremes for Trotsky (4) ?o?y 19d down perhaps, reckon needing holiday finally (6) ?o?n?? 24a twenty to eleven - confirmed the later showing...
Just a couple left today ...
7d German explosive weapon with a long handle (5,7) ?t?t? grenade
46a non-metallic element found in semiconductors (5) ?o?o?
Many thanks in advance, chox....
just a few left this morning - not quite as hard, for me, as usual, but still stuck on a few ... 2d lets out what a Cockney comic does, we're told (6) e?e?t? 25a opens a French port and sips (to begin...
just a few left this morning ... 17d relaxed with name dropping? something to explain (5,3) ?o?s? ??? 22d gold is one asset initially included in valuation (5) c?a?? 26a composed, seated, relaxed (6)...
This is a bit of a stinker, too, this morning .... 13d instant urge to get IT gismo (5,5) ?l??? d???? 27a sat idly, years wasted; there's still time! (3,5,4) ?? ??r?? ?a?s 19a in line with plan, a...
another hard Sunday cryptic .... 7a view old shackles (7) ???n?o? 8a cunning gags aren't very good (7) ?a????? 25a rock more noticeable, by the sound of it (7) ???l?e? 26a dog ending in shower, one...
Hi ABers out there, I managed to get candlewax over the sleeve of my woolly jumper last night at a dinner party, and haven't the faintest how to get it off. Any ideas? Don't want to put it in the...
This is beginning to defeat me as well .... a top courier lost somewhere in the Antilles (6,4) ??e?t? ??c? 8d make call to your lady, answering initially with expression of disgust and roar (5,5,)...
This is really bugging me today .... 1a greek doctor's African native cases (11) ??????????? 11a suspect noticing nothing in disguise (9) ????????? 12a writing material getting no spill, record...
So if 9d is "tail", what's 15a (country entirely surrounded by another) (7)? And then what should become of "apocalypse", please. Looks like they have completely messed up. Completely messed up like...
I've come to a grinding halt with this one today, would appreciate a bit of help, please ... 16d awkwardly struggle with fish (8) ?l?????? 17d take case from Edam before getting crackers and cheese...
Hi techie ABers out there ... all of a sudden (it might have been since a Yahoo update!), everytime I tap the "quotation marks" key I get an "@" instead of the quotation marks - and vice versa -...
Come to a grinding halt this morning ... 4a auntie with tiny antiquated computer (3,5) ??? m???? 10d dry tone affected by rogue comic character (6,7) ????e? ??o?t?r 5d victorian figure, stimilating a...