Does anyone know if you can claim off an airline if one of their flights is delayed by more than three hours. e.g. Flybe's website says that if a flight is delayed by up to 2 hours, the passenger is...
Hi folks, stuck on a few today, bottom LH corner ... 19d street due to be packed (6) ???w?? 24a HOUSE IN YARD, ON REFLECTION UNPLEASANT (7) ??N?S?? 21A indictaotr of change, portent endlessly...
Hi green fingered ABers .... Thank goodness we've now pruned the roses and hydrangeas (I almost thought it was going to be full blown summer before the weather would allow us out in the garden!). Just...
stuck on a few today ... 12a tone from doctor interrupting bore (6) t?m?r? 18d break made by part of posse certainly going north (6) r???s? 22a have a chat, or the opposite (8) ??n?t?s? Many thanks in...
Hi green-fingered ABers out there ... do you think I should be panicking about our two wisterias? Have just been outside to do a bit of pruning and tidying up, and noticed that there don't seem to be...
Absolutely stuck on a few today ... 16d united in due course to protect large south-western lake (9) u?l?????r 20a player's second foul allowed (6) ????u? 19d assurance in place with advantage (6)...
Just two left today .... 12a creating classes in su mmer term, initially, with formal consent (14) ?t?a?i?i??tion 4d princess and i very minimally raised capital (6) ?i?n?? Many thanks, chox....
We're visiting Moscow and St. Petersburg for about 7 days towards the end of May. Just wondering if there are any essentials which we should be taking in our suitcase, in case they don't have them...
Hi foodie ABers out there. Can someone please put me out of my misery and solve my problem - I just can't make light and fluffy yorkies - no matter how many different recipes I use, no matter how...
Went to see this yesterday, absolutely loved it, despite the mediocre reviews. And judging by their reactions to everything, so did the audience in the cinema auditorium! Anyway, the locations are...
Can someone please offer some advice re the following ... 1. When should I prune my standard roses, please? 2. When should I deadhead my hydrangeas? 3. When should I plant my Agapanthus bulbs? Hope...
Just 2 left this morning ....
6a stubborn type in middle of discussion (4) ?u??
8d unfamiliar clubs in south-east coming to prominence (8) ??l?e?c?
Many thanks, Chox....
just a few left, completely stumped with these last ones ... 4a shining passion, right? Love our team (8) ?u???o?s 6d march broke up after time (5) ????p 21a artist and revolutionary son getting on...
completely stuck on these few .... 28a dog runs with youngster, initially, in place of mine (8) ????i?r? 18d moving air that's uplifting for those without power (7) t?e???? 24d beat for pace (4) l???...
Just stuck on two - any help would be greatly appreciated, please ... 13d boy to broadcast BBC drama (7,3) h???r?s ?n? 16a new sort of choir surrounding wide cathedral (7) ?o???c? Many thanks, cheers,...
Hi AB TV addicts out there ... really really enjoyed this over the Christmas hols, and was disappointed that there were only 5 episodes. Is this a new series, or have I missed something? The end of...
I really enjoyed the Christmas episode of this comedy - it was brilliant and a Scottish friend of ours told us that there was a New Year's (or should I say Hogmanay) episode. But I can't find it...