Continuing from the thread about things you do when you're bored ... a couple of days ago I was feeling a bit like that and decided to sort out all the household cleaners .... had got loads of...
Has anyone read this? My sis in law lent it to me and I just can't get into it at all. Am tempted to give it up as a bad job, but should I persevere? Don't normally go for historical novels though....
SandyRoe - I have just seen your avatar - I love it. I love shell things, I find them very calming. One of our calendars this year is lovely pictures of different shells. I have got two huge...
Having a bit of trouble with this one this morning .... would appreciate a bit of help, please. 7a built up African town without diamonds (5) ????? 18a Lisa's mum makes minute pigeon's arms flap (5,7)...
morning, folks. Am having a bit of trouble with the "hidden words" from this today. The words from Saturday were FOLK FLOOR IGUANA SIGHT and today's are ROCK GLASS BOARD GREEN The only one I...
Its obviously all connected with the World Cup, would be grateful for a bit of help, please: 27a you said a point, potentially, is the best one can get (7) ??o???n 5d make grade, somehow, after he...
having a bit more luck with this one today, just 2 left .... 21a word joining the subject and the predicate (6) ?o???a 22d cease to maintain fixed relationship between currencies (5) ??p?g Many thanks...
This one has been a nightmare for me today ... but just the last 3 4a waste energy making jam (6) ?c???? 6d PM in car spy bugged (7) ??n?p?y 7d misbehaving, English bishop and social worker (6)...
Still having a hard time with this .... 13a fantasist, amusing turn male interrupted (6,5) w???e? ??t?? 15a forge opposite has iron put on it (11) ????t???e?t 23a severe wind close to shore (7)...
I'm finding this one really difficult this morning, would appreciate a bit of help, please. Thanks ... 1d special beer at a discount (6) ??b??? 9d Novel by Hardy, say, with surprise ending (6.5)...
Hello folks, late and raucous night last night, so feeling a bit bleary. Can't for the life of me work out what the answer is this week .... "This rainy capital was designed in the 19th century...
We stumbled upon "Poldark" on "Yesterday" during the course of the second series, but it all seems tohave come to an end now. Does anyone out there know if it's being screened...
Just a few left, would appreciate a wee bit of help, please ...28a washer like ring of rubber,metal or other material used to seal a junction in an engine. 29d leader of the Zulu kingdom credited with...
Does anyone know where this is? I sort of guess it's somewhere in the lake District, but not 100% sure. "These rocks in repose can be found in a county that is home to one of Britain's largest...
Just a few left on this one, this morning - then I can get going ..... 8a US general giving computer to President (9) ??c?????? 1d drop out of old American university (4) ???t 2d love I had, in part,...
Stuck on a few of these this morning, can you help please? .... 15a standard indications of rank in US army (5,3,7) ??a?? ??? ????p?? 5d in non-U American way ,help party with a supporter's badge...
Just two left ....
10d cask with hole fort drinking water on board ship (11) s?u?t?e???t
21a slang word for a waist-length jacket (10) ???f?e?z?r
Many thanks, Chox....