Last 3 ... could someone help, please ... 15a play at getting in bed (7) ?t?a??? 22a less restrained film director (6) w?l??? 14d chuck beyond bend of golf course (9) ??n???r? Many thanks, Chox...
mine are :- cooked at home sausages and fried onions in fresh bread finger rolls with a dollop of ketchup. .. hmmm delisshhh crispy popadoms with shredded onion and chutneys followed by an extra...
I have seen the ad with the 'blind' footballers a accidentally booting the cat... Just think it might give some stupid kids the wrong idea. Who do I need to direct a complaint to...?
Last few - phew! 23a a gang running to desert (7) ??????n 26a what's said to get attention about a volume that's serious (5) ????? 19d firm including a worker in commercial transaction, initially (7)...
12a alternative spelling for a medium used in oil painting (6) ?a???p 7d genus of beaked whales (7) z?p???s (is it "zipides"?) 30a village in Bedfordshire, south of Shefford (6,3) a?s?e? end...
Is this one harder than usual today? Or is it my imagination? Am stuck on quite a few this morning ... 9a resist, be unwilling (9) ????c?a?e 21a feeling of vexation or animosity (5) p???e) 31a of a...
Help appreciated on last few 15d olfactory property of piece of worn clothes found in country? ?r?g?a???, could it be fragrence 28a subtle point tiny adjustment accomodating this in Lyon?, n???t? 27a...
Am stuck on a couple, help would be appreciated, please. Thanks. 1d perfect lake to take part in a race around (8) c?m???t? 20a recluse to fix it close to table (9) ??c?o?i?e Many thanks, Chox....
Morning everyone ..... bit of a miserable one out there, at least it is where I am .... anyway, back to puzzles. Re the above puzzler - "This city is gearin up to host what is arguably the...
Wherever you are accessing AB, at home, at work, wherever else, which 3 items are within easy reach of you right now?? Mine - a nice cold drink, my mobile, and my work notes (zzzzzzzzz!)
Apologies if someone has already done this thread tonight, but I thought Id start the "whats for tea tonight" thread! For me, ribeye steak, mushrooms, onion rings and chunky chips, followed...
I can usually finish this one, but still stuck on a few clues, would appreciate some help, please. 12a blossom (3) b?? 21a identify clearly (7) s?e???? 45a discriminating (9) ??l???i?? 61a sincere (7)...
I don't usually get stuck with this one, but would appreciate some help with a few, please. Thanks in advance. 9a be including race, I concluded, in the country (6) ???n?? 11a skimp acting part to...
Hi folks, bit of a silly question really, but I'm not very good at fixing things ... even so simple. While I was typing the text of an e.mail earlier, I clicked something on the keyboard...
Last one ....
18a those people run, sets off spooky old series (3,8)
?h? m?n?t?r?
or have I got letter/s wrong? All the down related clues seem to be right.
Many thanks, Chox....
Morning early b's, stuck on a couple of these this morning ... 8a elephant man fond of Chianti(8) ?a?n???l 12a centralised form of qualifications (11) ??d?n?i?l? 13d emotionally helping girl onto...