Sq Ldr George "Johnny" Johnson, aged 101, dies peacefully in his sleep. R.I.P. Story broke this morning on BBC Breakfast and they put out a lovely tribute to him on the lunch time news....
...to watch. Thoroughly disenchanted with what once was good Saturday night viewing, I scoured the listings and watched The Dambusters (again), a 2022 documentary on Diana Dors and Eye In The Sky -...
You posted on an earlier thread that you are off on your holiday to Las Vegas tomorrow. I just wanted to wish you both a lovely time and hope that you have safe journeys both there and back. May your...
It occurs to me that perhaps the Ed is away this week. You have been very attentive to all of us this week which must have proved very hard work, to put it mildly. Thank you and have a good weekend, I...
OH is in poor health that gets poorer by the week. Had a colonoscopy booked for last Friday and I suddenly realised the problem a single lavatory would bring. Trying to be resourceful I ordered the...
Surely, if you were on this programme [i]and[i] had given an item to be restored/up-cycled [i]and[i] had been contacted to arrange for the presenter to call on you at home with the outcome and £'s...
I wanted to post on your thread but the answer box appears to have been removed. gordie, I am so sorry to read that you have been treated like this. If you are the type to be upset then you will be...