Last one. 2d. Poet to dig deeply with single spade perhaps around lake (8)
l?v?l?c? Is it Lovelace? If so, why?
Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you....
Really stuck on last 2. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.
25a. Fish with tail cut off found in car.(5) g?r??
23d. No prime Co-ops cry over spilt milk? (4) ???s...
Really stuck on: 21a Still not arousing any feelings (8) un???i?g unmoving? 24a Pledge to get on with leader of government (4) g??? 22d Swot set upon at university (3,2) ???,up They all interlink and...
Really stuck on 1a Fat chap from school, say, retired. (5) p?d??
and 3d Performer being without tune, act is in trouble. (9) ??e?u?a?t
Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you....
Saturday Times 24933
Last one. 26a Winter sportsperson interrupted by ghastly flasher (8)
Could it be swankier?
Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you....
19d. A store, such as a warehouse, for furniture or valuables,etc
Need some advice. Is it depository or repository?
Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you....
Last 2. 4D. Laying out article in feast: for example fish. (13) s-r-a-e-g-i-- 26A. Having no majority party around can reduce scope of whip (7,4). h-n-i--/-r-p Any help would be much appreciated....
1D Base acquiring extra billion for its third scientist (6) h-b--- 12A Shift something baby wears after examinations (4-7) ----/-----p- Any help would be much appreciated. Can't seem to get my head...
Still struggling with last few answers: 23A. Following a particular philosopher, Conservative as well (9).c---e-i-- 27A. Fresh bit of language in notes? No.(7) --i-a-- 22D. Socialist sets undermining...
Am really stuck on: 1A. Assesses recruit involved in computer programs.(9) --p---r-s 1D. Where you may find shops are invaded by bad man (6). ----d- 17D. Final goodbye to one regarded as heretical at...