Help please. 9 d informal term for an extremist. I have e-t-a. And 10 d dish containing chicken or other meat stewed in a white sauce. I have h-i-a-s-e. Thanks.
can someone please tell me which section of the sunday telegraph the crossword is in. I don\'t normally buy a paper so it would save me looking for it. Thanks in advance.
Has anyone noticed that two codewords recently have not used all the letters of the alphabet but the next day the answers are given as though all letters have been used? Or am I going daft?
Help please. 11 ac north american name for maize. I have -n-i-n -o-r- Also 19 ac white australian cockatoo with some pinkish-red-coloured feathers on the face. I have c-r-l-a. Thanks
I have been a complete idiot and sent off Saturday's GK without noting the link words - four carols if I remember rightly. Is there any kind soul who can give me them?
A comment really. Just two minor points. Plumage is not spelt plummage and the county is known as the Garden of England isn't it, not the Garden of Eden?
Good morning. Help please with 22d fully attended meeting of a legislative body -l-n-m and 11 ac ecclesiastical garment resempling surplice, typically worn by catholic priests c-t-a
Anybody out there? Trying to finish before work. 4d roman demagogue -r-b---, 24d small earthenware pot
p-p-i- and 25ac type of moral fable -p-l-g-e, is it epilogue?
Struggled for ages. Stuck on a few little ones, which are often the hardest! 3d haitian creole music r-r- 46ac type of cocktail made with sugar etc -o-r 58d literary term for a ghost -h-d- 121d most...