Does anyone know how we can get this crossword online. We are currently on holiday in Canada and have signed up for the crosswords but can't seem to get the GK one. Many thanks Jools
10a: Rough type of craft, hard to get into: ???g 15a: High points came oddly to saint: a???s 16d: Initial military objective is to disable: ??i? - Is the answer 'omit'? Thank you in advance for any...
12 Across 1960's style of dance music originally from Jamaica (10) ?o?a?t?a?y Can't find anything in dictionary searches or by googling. Thanks in advance
2 Down smuggler's cross (4) ?u?e
Answer with explanation would be appreciated. My best guess is lute, as the head of a lute is called a cross, but it seems very weak to me. Any other ideas?
1 Down An American band (5) ?o?s? explanation for any answers please. Am also stuck on bottom left corner of the puzzle if anyone out there doing it. I have spotcheck for 14 down but rest of the...
3) Down We hear a lure signified a comedown (9) s?a?e?e?t Statement or scapement seem to be the only possible answers. I presume signified = ment, but can't get the rest.
8 Down. Vulgar sound of disapproval. I have ??n?x ?h?e? (5,5) Beginning to think I've got something wrong. Also Sunday Telegraph crossword society cryptic. 9) Down clue is "quickly telling you...
8) Down More options than one knows what to do with. 8,2,5 The whole crossword has been a nightmare, but I think! the letters in it are: e?b?r?a? ?? ??o?x It?s probably too late to send it but would...
11) Across "concluding part of a Greek drama". I have e?o?e and have found epode and exode both of which seem possibilities. What do the rest of you think? 15) Down is v"illage near Llanidioes in...
13 across; "No dolly, she's the personification of efficiency!" ?i?s?b?e - . I though it might be missable. but can't see the connection with 'no dolly'. Any explanations or alternative answers?
cries for you to hear-its deliberate ?u?? a lucky escape? ????? in that event,its important to be fair ?e???? ?????s? easily keeping the crew from mutinying ????? ???? material on a saint thats false...