I'm trying to find a good cook book! I can't be bothered with all this posh cooking and would really like a book that gives all the basics in one. Spag bol, veg soup, lasagne, fish and chips. Simple...
Its time to throw away your caffiene,alcohol,guarana,ginseng,redbulls and lucozade because theresa new energy beast in town.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-3qncy5Qfk&fea ture=related
there's a lot of sites going down for lack of control at the moment hope the answerbank see's the light instead of the revenue for once before it's too late
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juASfUMOKiM&fea ture=related dont you think he is girls swoon over no mercy ? missing as knobbys gone home only joking ? xxxxxxxxx hi every one xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
She goes in & out & in & out. Who? When this song first came out (I was about 13) I thought it was really rude. Squeezebox = slang for ladies inner parts, so me was told. Was this a phallusy?! I don't...
His fligt is at 1.30. As yet he hasnt appeared And im supposeedtobe calling him a taxi to the airport too. LMAO Me and rabbitygirl and pasty will hve a melancholy luch to drink a farewell to a mad...
Murphy told Quinn that his wife was driving him to drink. Now Quinn thinks he's very lucky because his own wife makes him walk. An American lawyer asked, "Paddy, why is it that whenever you ask an...
Yesterday my bf said that he finds it a real turn on when a girl bends over and you can see her knickers/thong. I personally think it looks really tacky. So It made me wonder what turns you on and...
My 87 year old father cannot pass water properly............he has had this for about 3 weeks without telling me. I have made an appt. for docs in the morning........he is terrified of going into...
should we get drunk and take st paddys p?ccys too? well? let us know what you think remember your opinion is important though it may not make any difference at the end of the day lol lol whats the...