4. Scots/Doric for ' in the parlour/the front room '
16. a fool ?
21. Labour's longest serving MP
26 a 1959 film character who does not always tell the truth
29. garden tool...
1.gondola rips apart - but he makes a comeback 8,3
15. these people further down the line produced pigeons 7
21. referee's mum was put I the picture 9,6...
7. could be in a church or stable
12. sounds like a young person
15. against the odds, he bound the chapters together
19.do this to a prospective employee...
all answers are the 1st lone of a well-known carol eg distant cattle feeder 4 = away in a manger 1. Shhh, quiet please 4 2. Twice today 2 3. ' Early one morning ! ' 3 4. Nocturnal quiet 4 5. Proper...
3. Favoured by Aussie's 6,4,7 13, unusual Celtic piece 5,7 18. rouse up this loaf 11 22. sounds like a rule for the pit 8 28. they do this in parliament 6 29. a ride on the pony for an awful joke...
1. dull of surface =O 2. a foreign form of cattle = O 3. a multi coloured flier = J 4.it's not a flock of crows but a = M 5. a bragging talk =R 6. the odd one out of five = E 7. co-opted member of a...
2, pirate in the Caribbean waters 7 9. banned when its dry 8 11. lines perhaps - very trendy 4,3 21, a criminal middleman 5 23. split this ornamental stone to find love 1,4 28. pretty evergreens with...
8. wand headless state of well being rosier 2 words
9. traditional court gowns
10. end of at home
22. rear metal rocks drawing medium 2 words tailors dummy ?...
6. on which a cannon is mounted
12. transparent larva of the Spiny Lobster
14. A Choir !
19. health drunk at the end of a feast or meal
23. fish of the southern china sea that eat plants...