2. hoodwink with string 4. ribbon decoration meadow 6. notice very clearly 16. straight and limp flower 20. two five five 25 cricketers striker 26 concrete wavers 30 bovine net call 37 catch slacken...
all answers are about weddings
1. capture intended ! (10 )
11. short winner,how cute ! (5)
13 scottish beverage (5)
15 divide one up (5)
17 no hesitation with these placards (5)...
10 the union of the self with the supreme being 4 16 a type of one 7 21 someone who thumbs the nose 7 18 it seem pointless trying to win 7,7 30. a good walk spoiled 38 apparently this is the only game...
20. a professional boxer 23. drums,cymbals,xylophones etc belong here 30. left=wing group or faction ( 1930s onward ) 31 sea dweller which becomes spherical when attacked 32. at times supposedly...
3. get rid of rubbish (5) 5. sounds like heather is asleep (9) 10. the union of the self with the supreme being (4) 12. and we took mistakenly (9) 16. a type of one (7) 17. strange raids goes with...