20. a count arrived here as a dog 6
22. a goon character or a cake here ? 6,2,3
28. sounds like a major cornish tourist attracation 3,4
35. sound likes pickles wife & late liberal 11...
1. Stirred hot coal inside a church (9).
2. Love with bad back (5)
3.Possessed a defendant's enclosure(7)
4.Drink ready to eat (5)
Many thanks for any help....
15. it is not what is says-in northumberland 5,6,6 18. make the king upset 6,5 24. oops !! 8, 37. 12 or more points 5,4 39. it tries 5,5 43. do the queen's cats live here ? 3,5,4 45. a comfortable...