Hallo again, sorry about the lateness of the clues posting, we've had a thunderstorm rolling around for the past hour or so, so I've been off the net, and with all the plugs pulled out, just in case....
Films old and new- I am not sure of the last one to complete- Girl on a quick visit- 4,7 I keep thinking of Mary Poppins-but why? any help is appreciated many thanks linda
Dunphy's soccer story should epitomise any sport[3,4,1,4]??s, ?n??, ? ???e 16d cast as read in 30s Hollywood film credits [3,7] the ?l???r? Many thanks for help on these
Just this one left...Some help with the following one... 8 DOWN : They're not subject to decay which could make her impassible ( 13 ) ?M?E???H?B?E? Thanks for any help!
something last night, if I did, judging by the threads,,,,,whoaaaa am I pleased??? My philosophy now is, We all end up in a 6'x 3 box (well average,,LOL) Theres no discrimination then,,,, So let's all...
Opener going round in circles, (9), c?r?s???? Accidental way of catching things, (11), o?????a?ing One right back with singular debt, (6), ?r???? Not saying anything to indicate pantomime, (8),...
No other posts for this one so far - either the sun has fried my brain, or everyone else was out yesterday! Last few, any help appreciated; 1a Peak in the Slieve Mish area of Kerry ?e??D??F 9a is...
5a - shoot jet going over river (6) 22a - Angela Merkel, for example, listening to works of Schubert (6) L?a?e? 26a - Being upwardly mobile, and so revolting (6) R?s?n? Thanks for some help "AGAIN"
Can you help please? 22a Angela Merkel, for example, listening to works of Schubert (6) l?a?e? Is 16d Israelis clue - People in Middle East upending king into the river (8) ?s???l?s Thank you
help please 10a profiting from a volume in a bad way 8 A?A???N? adapting?alarming? 23a soul with coolness which envelops the breast 6 ?O?I?E bodice? 24a respectable-looking cold,low-fatpiece of meat...