44a PM recalling current King's instincts (8). I can see that the answer 'Disraeli' is reversing Lear's id, but how do we get the other 'i'? 53a Country area I found further west in old kingdom(7). Is...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/arti cle-1196946/He-led-Lieutenant-Colonel-killed-A fghanistan-highest-ranking-British-casualty-Fa lklands.html "Be the best at school - then you won't have...
as when I went to the allotment this morning someone had rustled a cabbage and 2 lettuces I spoke to my gardening partner and he said what he would do with a spade if he caught the thief !! I would...
Stuck on last few. 16d.the umpire takes aggregate as a result (9) T?E?E???E dont see why it should be therefore?if decahedron is corect for 27a. 25a.party on river going round stems of reeds &...
Some are swing, some fire, some locked (something to do with doors?) absolutely certain this caln can help ships is sheer climb at the coast dicky patron saint of travel is angry (St Christopher but...
Yet another example of sham marriages just so people can stay in England and continue to steal off us. Time to STOP it methinks http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/sussex/8129 408.stm
12a Can peer round when about to think of lion's share(13) - - - - - - -E - A - C - 9d All-in-one crest removed from battlements(13) - - - - - L - A - - - - -
So how long before they start ritual beheadings and stonings? should local councils create proper punishment areas, or could ritual floggings become public entertainment? I mean half time at the...
13d-Music-makers seen at a beanfeast?(10) 11d-She married Don for a quick win(8,4)???????S ???E 12a-with royalty incuded,feather-bed a writer(7-5) ???L??? ??U?? HELP!
4d Constable assigned to section in 1970's police drama(7,6) - P - C - - - B - - - C - Special.......? 16a Transport poor Horatio round globe with no return(3-3,7)
hi folks having a bad night really stuck here appreciate any help please. 11d be an accessory (4) a??t. 38a, invalid(4) n??l. 41a(8) open to view.80a(3-3) fairway bend do?/l?g.111d costa - - - (4)...