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Who was the 1930's music hall comedian who always came on stage to the march "The entry of the gladiators" ? Also who was the comedian of the same period who did a monologue "Dreaming O my darling...
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Can anyone explain why there is a delay (approx 3 secs) between analogue radio and digital radio broadcasts. I first noticed this when I checked my radio controlled clock against a BBC time signal. Do...
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When I was in the RAF in the early 50's , I remember going to a pub in the centre of Lincoln called "The Saracen's Head". Having recently moved back to Lincolnshire, I tried but was unable to find...
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Two characters who appear in quite a number of the Reginald Hill "D & P" books don't seem to have made it onto TV - I refer to Franny Roote and Edgar Wield's partner Edwin. Can anyone confirm this...
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Sugar Ray
What dog has an easygoing nature & good with kids I'm after a medium sized dog, with a good nature, a bit of energy but not loads, also preferably one that won't bite me!!
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My wife put a full tank of petrol in our 2.7 TD car. Thankfully she stop driving the car a few miles down the road from the garage where she filled up after the car started stuttering. Called out...
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?180 for a TV licence!! Are they serious i dont see why we should have to pay anyway as it only goes to the BBC and noone watches that channel exclusively. With people getting more channels and...
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Why were the small Fiats called Cinquecento and Seicento, which translate as 500 and 600, when they had 900 or 1100 cc engines ?
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brian j john
you know those two strips that are put across the road and are connected to a box that measures the volume of traffic and giving that they are set apart can it also measure the speed of the vehicle...
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my daughters fiesta is reving high most of the time a bit dangerous as car runs away with her not doing the clutch any good slipping it to slow down cananybody help please
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We have recently rehomed a Saluki cross bitch, about 18 months old. A delightful pet in every way, except she hardly ever seems to drink. We leave fresh water but she rarely touches it. All we can do...

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