1. Small lump of butter before a sprain (7 )
2. Each finalist aired their views well (8
3. I am briefly in an offspring (5)]
4. A bit of a laugh in a light weight (6)
Thanks for any help....
1.Short accountant meets a Scottish Island in reverse (6)
2. Di Caprio and Da Vinci lose nothing for him(7)
3. A Scottish mountain with a conserve is not out (8)
Thanks for any help....
1.Mellow rhyming baby toy (6,6)
2.Some parting or selling (8)
3.Equine young measure (9)
4 What a brassy player (5)
5.Caprine's regret (5,3)
Thanks for any help....
1.5 vital east in short points to this city (3,4) 2. Seasonally cold loses direction but gains strength(6) 3.One card very loud arranged a capital(7) 4. Does my car orbit backwards here? (5) Thanks...
Help please . 7/ Remove before pouring ( 4) 8/ A saucy city ( 9) 14/ The country of the angry . ( 7) 18/ Seasonally cold loses direction but gains strength ( ( 6) 28/ Sneaking a look in the Orient...
1.Feline male perform (9)
2.Does Sir appear a little backward here? (5)
3.Rises from the ashes of America(7)
4.Pique becomes a hiding place (6)
Thanks for any help/...