9a/4d: Rightly or wrongly, it's spelt out for you on the phone (10,4) P?????t???, ????
5d: Late enlightenment it may be - unless you have eyes in the back of your head! (9) ?????I?h?...
28a. kamikazescommanded to take cover - which they did to their detriment . . . 3, 3 , and 4 letters. - - - (t - e ) ( - e - - ) 24d. that's not what I ordered despaired Dracula to the diner. 5...
18a. Progression of argument- should proceed straight to the point (4, 2, 9) ?i?? of ????????? 27a. Newcastle: no trophies, not even coal.Warble on about its claim to fame (5, 3) no letters 28a....