17, a fresh expression of church (5) 35, meet eeyore? sounds good to me (6) 39, what floats and flies and is black, white and red? (9) 46, what the very worried sparrow said (4,4) 47, oversensitivity...
9, operator has tea first 11, inside one for cats 23, see a name? No! In order 29, spotty, big cat first seen eating a lettuce 31, don't start to remove orange skin 35, x starts coming home 56, I...
17, found in theatres (3,4,4) 37, plant used to colour cloth (5,6) 38, allow you to put your plans into action (4,3,3,5,5) 39, Yorkshire regiment (3,5,7) 40, illustrator of children's books (4,9) 41,...
4, leg part ........... Young animal
6, cable car .......... Canal boat
11, witty remark ........ Narrow opening
22, nobleman ......... A contemporary...