I'm on holiday in South Africa but still can't stop doing crosswords I've got another letter in the one I posted earlier but have added some more Kangaroo Rats : P - TO - - OT Leanness of body: - CT -...
6 - D Excursion in good motor or Irish two wheeled vehicle - 2 words _ _U_ _ _ N_ _ _ _ 7 - D Animals coming down heavily - 3 words _ _ T_ _ _ D_ _ _ _ 16 -A In which there's no teaching before 11 - 2...
9 A - Meeting without a judge for anointing U_C_I_N 12A - Could be showinf inaccurateness about Latin studies (2 Words) N-T-R-L---E-C-S 15d - mETALLIC SOUND OF fRENCH lACE TOWN NOT UNKNOWN TO KING...
9A - Meeting without judge for anointing U-C-I -N 12A - Could be showing inaccurateness about Latin Studies (Two words) N-T-R-L---E-C-S 15d - mETALLIC SOUNDOF fRENCH LACE TOWN NOT UNKNOWN TO kING. - -...
4 a - Such a piece is left over - bad economy *f**** 19a - indicate correct credit **** 6d - Constitution incorporating sculpture in popular record **a*t*u***r (hyphenated) 7d - The Ring recital...
13A - Spirited reversal of motor on an axis *a*y 22A - Put thought to a diet planned before excessive starter I*E*T* The answer is probably staring me in the face but my mind has gone blank Thank you...
My mind is in bottom gear this week 10A Rodents taking the first of noodles meet resistance in this kitchen implement -----r 2 D Girl to find a number of parasites a---- 3D Ruthless chap achievung the...
14d Lower internal part of a boat in which dirty water collects If the answer is Bilge then what is the answer to 17a Good witch of the South in the Wonderful Wizard of Oz I thought the answer to that...