8 One of two Spice Girls in cooking area, with new decorated kitchen items (10) Starts with E
13 Voluntary fee after working topless for one man-hour (10) Starts with H or I
Grateful for any help!...
19d Fellow going off Gently Tender at first? Very much so (6) I have ??I?L? 20d Clue I set after final appearance of David Gray, perhaps (6) I have D????? As always all help very gratefully received....
Stuck on a few this morning .... 1d top saint rising above king in triumph (1-5) t-?h??? 11a one receiving income from property on new level (7) ??n?i?r 9d worker perhaps in branch coming up with...
help please 1d scots tip badly,retaining control-it's a game involving coins 12 ??T????????? 2d aussie cheers stop,pair getting run out in middle 6 ??O??? 3d disabled person,one restricted by withered...
really struggling today.These to help pl. 1a "Inattentive person in shelter arrested by agent with brain"(10) 12a"Playing at pub,Lose desire to show rare musical ability"(8,5) 14a"Popular chef's...