Can you help:-
In what year was the Sexual Discrimination Act passed
Bare Bones
It's invalid to indicate when piston is at end of it's stroke (two words) D?a?p?i?t
the answer to each clue is a town in uk card game an era of poverty punch for a pirate changed poems in favour of great distance the lions cathedral thanks to anyone who can help me
i have tried to unscramble the following anagram without success - Elf Fled Acid Rain - the clue given is this person is a actor? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Dave.
i have a logo that is a woman facing to the right as you look at her she is running and is carrying a bow and looks like she is shooting an arrow its not B.T. or interflora does anyone have any idea...
1) mauve wine 8 letters ?i?t?r?a wisteria fits but I can't find it as a wine 2) Sacred chinese mountain 4 letters E??L 3) SW Indian coast 7 letters M?la??r Any help appreciated
i have a logo that is 2 holly leaves the left one points down and is a pale colour the right points up and is darker in colour. they sort of curl around each other hope someone can help...thanks
Any help appreciated All answers are connected to food or drink 1 Insignificant article 2 Electtric stream 3 Disliked by Jack Frost 4 To encourage 5 Awful cheekl Many thanks