Answers are types of alcoholic drinks 1. This would make the fairies envious 5. You may be a supporter of this 8. You may have an unpleasant memory of this 9 Popular card game CHRISTMAS ANAGRAM...
Songs or artists have a word related to Christmas in the answer the relevant letter is a capital letter 20 b P b by g 25 a l l s C a l m t m by f o b 28 f m by B Thank you for any replies Q
53. Stupid pupil, perhaps has unfeeling head(9) 67. We're Told he has a fondness for difficult jobs(6,6) 73. .. and Edward's digitaaly deprived character ( 79. Played on stage by fourteen...
Song titles with food and drink. eg. SFF - Strawberry Fields Forever. 26. B O T W 28. C J 30. T B T P 32. D Y C G L I F ( O T B O ) 50. A C O C A S A Y Many thanks, I am really struggling with this...
ANAGRAMS 14. A CIVIL ALPACA RUINS GLACIER AT CIA 15. SAINTLY BARMAIDS CHARM Sorry do not know how many words in each. Only clues I can give are are (two often seen together)and ( a first line) do not...
Help would be appreciated with the following: 33 Do about 38 hours at soak food in liquid 37 Not happy and no more vermin 96 River in China and turn the page Many thanks
Towns & cities in Europe. At my wits end. Can anyone help? 31-: Small Scotland in England 37-: Not happy & no more vermin 54-: Compare London to Manchester drink & dock 78-: Guide dogs train at this...
I think the only people who will be able to help me are those that have actually got the quiz as all answers are given, just a matter of putting them in the correct place. I have these answers left...
just need three but really struggling all answers are places in europe 37 not happy and no more vermin 61 snow and inlet at the shore 90 lady in black did not have any meals today . this one was...
Songs and artists with a christmas related word in them. Christmas word given in capitals 19. I o t C by s t t d 22. t y s i by H v 26. h o C by r 29. C p by l z