All the answers are two words beginning with B & P respectively. 24. Cryptography Installation. I know there is a long time until the end of the quiz but I will never get that one! Any help would be... ...
Creatures Quiz. C/D 19/6 All answers are sayings or expressions containing the name of an animal,bird etc. No.25. If it's god for one, it's good for all. (4 words) No. 37. A very difficult problem to... ...
All answers are sayings containing an animal or bird etc. No.25.If it's good for one, it's good for all. (4 words) No.37. A very difficult problem to solve. (9 words)' Any help would be appreciated.... ...
All the answers are retail outlets. No number of letters given. 41. Home of the Tattoo made from sheep factory. 45. Walk where you have no permission. Any help would be appreciated. They make no... ...
Questions are cropped pictures of food packaging. No letter count, just word count. 23. Orange and white, with the words'plant based, and a part of the product name -ridi-. three words. 35. three... ...
All answers contain names with the initials they are known as in brackets. 11. It is said that the only green thing he eats is mint chocolate chip ice-cream. 6.8.(1.1.)4. 18. Scandalised the press... ...
Does anyone who did this quiz know if the answers have been sent out. Just realised I have not received them and I have no email address to chase them up. Thanks
All the answers are pub names. 47. Herdsmen's Tavern.(7,3) 50. Train terminus. (7,6) I have Farmers Inn, and Station Tavern, respectively, but they seem a bit 'iffy' to me. Any comments or... ...
Q.48. Discovery after Stamford Bridge. (10). I have seen the abswer as Battleship, which could be correct, but I am not convinced. Any help appreciated.
Is there anyone out there doing this quiz who could give me some help regarding two of the picture questions? 3. Distinguished looking man with white hair and white beard (5,5) 5.Man dressed in what... ...
Any help with these 3 questions would be appreciated. 5. Ancient tale limbers up (6) 49. Connects Spiderman, Batman, Wonder Woman. (9) 53. Thieves' seedy command (4,6) Thank you in advance.
St.Andrews Church Epworth. Sound Like somewhere in the world. c/d 27/9 The answers to the clues, when spoken, sound like somewhere in the world. I am am stuck with No. 15. Clues are 'star' and 'is... ...
Kettering & Dist. Samaritans c/d 31/8 All things Countryside. Good morning all. I am finding this a very interesting quiz, but does anyone know if there is a letter count error with Q.16? I think it...
All answers are occupations old and new. I am having a problem with these questions 8.Building up to this (9) 18. Looks after our shorelines (10) 21. Faces up to it (10) 40. Makes beverages (6) Any...
Pantomime People. I know there is plenty of time but I would like help to get these four questions out of the way. 50.In the 1960's he was awarded an O.B.E. for his services to entertainment. (6,5)...
I don;t like asking for help but these questions are driving me up the wall. All the answers are two words ,p.... and s...... 5.This is very necessary when playing cricket on car journeys. (3,4) 18....
If you don't have the quiz then i am afraid you are not able to help me as the questions involve identifying people from pictures. They are No.52(3,7). No.56 (8,6). No.57(6,6) and No.59(5,7). Any help...
Even after completing over 180 charity quizzes i am struggling with this one. Any help would be appreciated. Q.13. The Savoy Hotel has one, so does the Central Hall,Westminster and the Dulwich...