St.Andrews Church Epworth. Sound Like somewhere in the world. c/d 27/9 The answers to the clues, when spoken, sound like somewhere in the world. I am am stuck with No. 15. Clues are 'star' and 'is... ...
Could somebody tell me what the amount of letters there are in question no.70. It says the black/white part of the answer is 5 letters but doesn't state the full amount of letters for the full word....
Kettering & Dist. Samaritans c/d 31/8 All things Countryside. Good morning all. I am finding this a very interesting quiz, but does anyone know if there is a letter count error with Q.16? I think it...
Did anyone ever receive the answers to the above quiz? I entered the quiz and I've sent off three emails to the setter asking for the answers and I haven't had the courtesy of a response to any of...
Can anyone help with No. 51. Seen in Little House on the Prairie (6,3,4) I am assuming it's the horses and not any other animals, but can't match the letters with the names of the horses in the...
All answers are occupations old and new. I am having a problem with these questions 8.Building up to this (9) 18. Looks after our shorelines (10) 21. Faces up to it (10) 40. Makes beverages (6) Any...
Football Teasers. Answers (25 of them) are football teams in Britain. Stuck with 2,
No16 - lack of moisture in the air
No21 - Share of harbour
Any football fans out there who can help?...
The clues give answers which when spoken together, sound like a place such as town,county or place in the solar system and are in alphabetical order. I have managed 26 of 30 questions but am now...
Any help welcome Number in brackets are how many words 1960's Films 16. Watch (3) 18, Isn't it usually black (3) 25, 29 Spartacus and 47 The Godfather(3) 32. Mixed peas in the world (4) 37, Half the...
Pantomime People. I know there is plenty of time but I would like help to get these four questions out of the way. 50.In the 1960's he was awarded an O.B.E. for his services to entertainment. (6,5)...
Has anyone heard whether some of the answers are NOT in strict alphabetical order with in each word count range ? I have two answers I think are right but they are not following on.. eg.Q. 73 & 74. PE...