When was the last time AB Ed replied to any suggestion? This week? I don't think so. What is the point of a suggestion section when the powers that be can not be bothered to reply to any of them? P.S....
What is with the " Calling All Sports Fans" section on the home page of AB all of a sudden? Are you finally realising that the SAB is a waste of time? Those 4 questions you have highlighted have a...
Is this true? What a woman says: This place is a mess! C'mon! You and I need to clean up! Your stuff is lying on the floor and you'll have no clothes to wear if we don't do laundry right now! What a...
Its a couple of weeks now since you demolished the old Sport section and built a monstrous carbuncle in its place, do you have any figures showing how many questions/answers there have been since and...