Q120 Still struggling so can anybody help with hints/suggestions for the following In 2005 it was a prestidigitator,in 2001 a jet engine and in 2000 but a babe.Back in 1998 it was a sorcerer,in 1997 a...
Whar breed of Dog? 1. Trade a book in the Bible and me 2.Penny sweet,that hurt,baby's cry 3.Quiet,irritate,not me 4.Ice cream flavour with rheumatic mother
Would appreciate a launch with the following! 1 ac. Climbing equipment's design to conserve energy put limits on freedom (5,4,5) 1 dn. The point at which the tourists declared?(7,7) 30 ac. Doctor...
anagram of a celebrity (doesn't say wether male/female) TKIHLEENAKGYIR think all the letters are correct, i've been trying to do it for about 2 hours now! and still none the wiser, any help would be...
Well I cant believe you answered the last questions so fast!!! I only went and got a banana no wonder I can never answer any questions. 1) An American illusionist 5,11, = 2) The road has gone 2,7, =...