9D and 42A) Another name for Helichrysum (11,6) E_ E _ _ _ S _ I _ G F_ O _ _ _ 22D) Fretted, stringed musical instruments, plucked with the fingers. (5 letters) L _ T _ S Any help on any of these...
Can anyone give me some pointers please? I've got 4 questions left! The answers are all famous buildings and constructions, ancient or modern, fact or fiction. The number of words is shown in the clue...
20A) A device used for a specific task (9 letters) A P P _ _ A _ _ E I thought it was Apparatus, however I have 15 down: 'Small burrowing mammal with dark, velvety fur (M _ L _) as mole so it can't be...
Help wouild be appreciated with - Acolyte hurt setting off firework (8). I have ??U???E? Also - Leading actor in Japanese drama - "island menagerie" (5,3). I have only N???? ??? Thanks!
1. type of rifle 2. take two notes, add rubbish container and reverse a head movement 3. a space between two columns, matweeds; inexperienced 4. a flaw in cloth, meadow 5. a type of path, note, mix...
You have a pocket ful of coins totaling ?12.76, Arrange the coins in groups of coins. You can use any different denominations of coins, but you must have the same amount of coins in each denomination....
1.Nick and john were exercising when the subject of weight came up. Nick had no problem telling john his weight. But John said he had more 'mass' than he wanted. He wouldnt reveal his exact weight but...
here are some cryptic clue car names- can you guess them ?(these are all original and copyrighted- my lawyers are watching :)... lamb pork shiny toy owed to her master is arty card he lacks how thee?...
all the words defined below start od end (or both) with the twentieth letter of the alphabet.ie T.The number in brackets indicated the number of letters in the word. 1.leguminous tree or shrub(7)...
Still looking for answers to the following Thanks for any help.
1.My type of music?
2. In Mythology it produced dreaminess and a distaste for activity
3.Light fine pillow lace