Good morning crofter, just noticed you were online. You may remember a couple of weeks back the question regarding Brahman/ Brahmin Well, as suspected, you were right, from the IN as popular. I had a...
HELP! What ten-letter word, partly derived from the greek meaning 'short' means the study of concise speech? I asked this question before and was helped with an answer, but now questioning it as it is...
This week's chosen link words were as follows: Mother SUPERIOR Sunday SCHOOL PASSION Flower Chocolate ECLAIR What's going on I ask? Where is the beer-swilling, rugby-loving, dart-throwing "man's man"...
"Good Morning" once again to you all - especially to those scratched and bleeding,cold and hungry. I've had a good night's sleep, had a hearty breakfast, showered and am snuggly wrapped in my...
Yet another week has flown by and Saturday is here and we all know what that means !! Another cold, wet night in that wretched shrubbery and this time with some very strange aromas and a lot of...
Has it really been another week already! I have dragged myself away from "Red Nose Day" to announce the important message that tomorrow is another "Link-up Day" and you are all expected to compete in...
Normally I have no trouble with the Jumbo but I have one which appears easy but I just cannot see it.
Manager keeping in with linesman (6) -O-P-R
Any response gratefully received. Thanks.
Have all the answers but there are six down clues with 2 unchecked ( and different )letters each. Has anyone worked out which letter goes in which unchecked space? This should lead to the five words...
three pictures, a chess piece, the king i think. a pair of legs , or it could be the knees, and gordon brown. the clue is together the tthree words make up the name of a character from a well known...
I got most of them but still a few to go.There's a good prize in it for me,so any help would be eternally appreciated.(Sorry we're not given the number of letters) Wear one season? Shall tabloid...
Hi, new to this but hopefully can get some help. Doing the literary characters quiz and need a hand on Q 54 - Member of a saga dynasty produces yeast for Moses (6,7) Q63 - Weaver of lass with mariner...
I'm trying to help my sister but not getting very far with the following cryptic clues on flowers. Can anyone help me please. (1) Rare flower of the armed forces. 8.6. (2) Add an 's' to cleanse you of...
Stuck on Incitement to rebel against a government - B ? ? i ? i? o unsolicited piece of advertising by post - ? ? i ? s ? ? t Traditional nickname for a private in the british army t???y please can...