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What is a feeling of mutual loyalty and fellowship that unites a group of people (6,2,5)
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Proper or designated social position?
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Name given to Illegal and unofficial court set up to try someone summarily, often on shaky evidence.
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Important food fish they are smaller relatives of the tunas, having dark striped backs?
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Historically, a small military unit with the authority to force civilians into naval or army service.
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In German legend, an alchemist whose insatiable hunger for knowledge led him to see his soul to the Devil for it.
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Who was the legendary celtic fairy and shapeshifter who also appears as an antagonist of King Arthus and Guinevere's enemy, ...
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Nickname of a celebrated member of the Nova Scotian Micmac trible, born in 1739 who acted as scout for white Canadian settlers (6,3)
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French River along whose banks the Germans fought their last battles of the First World War before defeat by the Allies?
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Informal term used in Spanish-speaking countries for a white person from an English speaking country.
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What is the philosophical construct that states that where an event is caused it is because God wills the event to occur (13)
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What do you call the dark area surrounding the negatively charged electrode in a cathode ray tube?
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What is an aerial that makes a T-shape as the connecting wire connects two rods of equal length called?
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Historic hilly province of India that comprises a large part of Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan

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