Stuck on last two. Instructions have been given elsewhere.
4 DOWN A bit much everybody arriving for tea! (4) _ H_R
17 ACROSS Sees son has knocked back Scotch (5) S_A_S
Thanks in advance...
Help please with last 2 solutions which are straight/non-thematic (my brain has crashed!) 29 ACROSS Blond soldier wandering - what a surprise! - into a storm _ _ M _ OUT (4,3) 29 DOWN The principle...
One last solution to check
28 DOWN Stop working in nurse's garden (4) E_E_ Presume EDEN but can't parse
An 'i' needs to be removed from wordplay before entering in grid...
Need help with last two
21 DOWN Tricky to trap energy of steam (6) D_E_E_
24 DOWN Chide revolting little boy on the weekend (4) T_S_ Task?
Thanks in advance...
Stuck on last one 17 ACROSS Like Bottom, like Paul (3) A_I Paul is the setter of this Genius. This is a clue which has letters IX removed before entry in the grid Thanks in advance - need answer...
Struggled nearly to end of Genius 168. Definitely the most difficult in a long time. One last solution that I need help with (I have also posted on Crossword Solver forum) 6 DOWN Two things that Alan...
Feeling lazy and don't have time now to go through all possibilities for last 2 answers - due tonight 1 DOWN Work for two solid hours at first in nude ... to endless delight (3,5) I have J_R _H_R_...
Got the theme, got the 4 names, in fact I've got everything except the island (19A).
I have *an* island that will fit, but cannot see the wordplay. Anyone got a tip for me - please?
Last one stumping me - think it's a 'normal' clue 1 DOWN Bachelor runs away from Barnet to find brother in India (4) _H_I Only word that fits is SHRI but can't see wordplay .. help and explanation...
Last one - help!
Cake found in middle of floor covered in dog hair? (7)
P_T_O_P (the specific 2 letters have been removed from solution (at least once) before entry into grid...
Stuck on final 2 ... 4 DOWN See perfectly in grey-green light (4) G_O_ 18 DOWN Reduced ships: after cutting one hundred, notice emperor upset (6) _A_E_S Submission deadline today. Many thanks in...
Have finished - I hope! But can't see word play for 'T' answer. Only word that fits isTasteful. Clue is:
Distribution of a trend I measure from an axis TA_T_F_L (8)...
I managed to print Genius a mth ago, and now need to enter my solutions and submit. However getting Application Blocked (Java) and can't get Java to activate. Have consulted my brother and no luck. I...
Noted way to get out of prison bound to return (5, 3 words)
'C and B'
Can see wordplay I think - CAN=PRISON; BOUND REVERSED BD=DB
What is definition of 'C and B'?...