7(a) Interfere with dog without a tail (5) _ N _ O _ Is it ANNOY and, if so, why? 11(a) Limit set of questions on flyleaf (8) E _ D _ _ _ E _ I'm guessing END something 5(d) I won during artist's...
16a Excited by turn-over of fuel support (7) _ I _ E _ O _
24a Be first to sweep copse (5) _ R _ K _ At first I thought the answer was BRUSH but the K from corncrake (14d) has thrown that out....
I am trying to remember the title of an American film I saw on TV ages ago. It was about a women who wanted to learn card counting to beat the casinos in Las Vegas. Her father used to be a card...
19d Winter gets victory over eagle (5) - E - N -
The only thing I can think of is verne but is this even a word? Help! Am I being too stupid for words?...
13d Male trustee surprised about former torch-bearer (9) - S - E - E - - - I thought it was an anagram of M + trustee but I couldn't make anything from it. 15d Fighter shelves controversial technology...