Just wondering whether anyone still has a copy of this crossword which was in the December issue and can tell me what the prizes were? I think as it was the large crossword for Christmas the prizes...
TLS 1057 Another ropey crossword today following a similar one last week. Dubious anagrams and cryptics with little literature content. The Literary Review is far better,. Tantalus needs the grapes...
Wordplay may lead to an "extra" letter not entered in grid 41a As a result of cooking most of the new American prime of turkey is OK (8, 2 words) ???????O 43a Boodle's banned earl from religious birth...
Hi does anyone have the solution to the prize crossword, I think one of the words is confetti but I'm not sure I've just got plain stuck on this one
Merry Christmas everyone.
Has anyone managed to start/solve puzzle 4 in Compersnews News? I am having problems just getting started ! Advice welcomed. Thank you...
Going over all 23 answers and still unsure about Day 1 (clue = Beaver) http://qi.com/advent-calendar-2014/advent-2014-day-1/ Have considered answers such as Oregon and Wisconsin, although I'm unsure...
Anybody else having the same problem as myself with Google Chrome? Last week and this week's Jumbos have a completely garbled grid. The Sunday Times is the same. All the crosswords print perfectly...
Still looking at an answer for Day 6 - http://qi.com/advent-2014-day-6/ Clue is Box 850 (as I said previously, I've seen this building but can't remember where). It's not Lincoln as someone else said...