Stuck on last 3 for ages: 3 down tot crossing road exuding energy in ideal world UDLAR? : 10 down (two words) Court order that could make planner toil ?NT?N?ILLER and 31 across sort of animal that's...
A somewhat more generous preamble than usual - so just a question of locating the work in question, unravelling a few highly intricate clues and matching the unclued entries to the extra letters...
The I 960
18d (6) A hint of starlight in the middle of boring astronomical object .U.S.R
Can't decide between PULSAR or QUASAR! Help and reasons please - thanks in advance!...
13d.bagpipes in scottish song work? endless confusion thrown up (9) I
have -a-pog-a-
32a.Make a fool of old class right away (5) a-s-ta
would appreciate help.many thanks....
.. to everyone who has helped me with my crossword answers today, I had an unusually large number of gaps today, so thanks to one and all.
Best wishes, Chox....
A straightforward grid fill and an interesting endgame - no grid staring for once! Not sure about 1d but otherwise all done if I have understood it correctly!
First visit of the week! 1dn: Spanish magistrate offers no deal after gangster gets caught (7) no letters 28ac: Open or shut, depending on particular circumstances ? (2,3,4,3,2) the only letter I have...
Sorry, my question was rubbish! I didn't explain the clue at all. thank you to the person who worked out what I was blathering about. I shall write out in my best handwriting MUST TRY HARDER
1a Crown school closed by short Whitsun festival. I've got ESCHEAT. I can see SCH = school, but how can EEAT be short Whitsun festival, apart from being 2 letters short of Easter anagram?