Please can anyone help. All the answrs are occupations two of these begin many a joke 6 a fast singer in Pirates of Penzance 5-7 Little Edward is alcohol free worried though 7 marching third in a line...
Can any kind soul help me with the wording of Clue of the Week? I can remember the solution, M******N, but I need the wording and 'er indoors has binned the copy as the complete puzzle was submitted...
The suggested solution to the MoS bare Bones crossword can be seen on If you like FREE word apps, check out shortestword for the iPhone and iPad - see details on...
Drawn a blank on bottom LHS. 23D would help. One caught in mischief forbidden by Sharia ??r?m, First thoughts were a HARIM, one in harm for mischief? Also 11a. Fine binding material, forbidden when it...
ST online, Does anyone else have problem with new app finding 'submit' button, only 'reset' on my Ipad, 'Submit' appears briefly when X word loads then vanishes
'Newspapers, maybe, for travelling attendants.' (8 letters) ??u?i???. I thought maybe 'couriers' which would make 'the man unable to get to the service would be' 4 letters = ?c?d...
Good grief, I can't believe I'm starting this thread off! I thought this was an excellent puzzle by Wan. Very clever how the clues read on the surface and still produce real words after the...