I looked down the list of letters thinking: no clue lengths, no clue numbers, no idea which is across or even, 26 numbers to choose from. Aargh! Luckily, once it gets going, things speed up and to a...
An enjoyable Listener début from Ifor (although a setter that I have solved in the Magpie, EV and IQ). I was wondering why this needed to be a carte blanche as I was solving it, but the little...
Thank you, Poat. Quite pretty, but not tough enough to keep me away from the garden for too long this fine weekend. I have to admit I had to rely on the phrase to get me started on the bottom...
Thought I'd start a thread for one. Rather relieved that the Friday club are quite on this one. Have a smattering of answers but a long way to go. Happy solving all!
To save RR the bother, I will start the thread this week. I haven't finished yet, but with a full and fairly easy grid fill, that just leaves the usual preamble and whatever potential disaster is...
Am I destined to start another thread or are all the friends hiding somewhere else? What a great and well-set challenge this has been. The light has just dawned regarding the theme and how to obey the...
No - I haven't quite finished it yet. Still, one of the joys of a Listener comes when you learn something new, and primitive triangles are new to me. I assume that the numbers in the threes are also...
Another relatively gentle start to the week (if I've got it right, that is). I'm not sure the question revealed by the corrected letters is properly answered by the final grid, which is where I have...
A step up in difficulty here. We've floundered our way to a complete grid with crime fighters, an item of clothing and a set of villains, though I am not sure which one is the appropriate one to...
Wow...this was great. OK not the most difficult of clues, but what a bundle of fun! Lots of thematic material, the real words making this an extremely clever construction (despite the lack of real...
I have a nice full grid, but not a clue what's going on. I don't want to know what the solution is, just that someone out there has seen a regular pattern (or whatever) that makes sense of the thing....
Fairly straightforward debut by Ragtag this week. The basics of the theme we have seen in a listener a couple of years back as well as in the EV. I was wondering what the clashes had to do with it,...
Do I get to call firsties this week? I thought this was a nice puzzle. It was a lot easier to get the keyword than I thought it might be, and once you have that everything falls into place pretty...