Please help - just can't see the answers:- 9across -Expect initial blockage at Dutch town (4)
5down - Fancy papering new French city (9)
12across - Infantryman pays lumberjack (11) - postal order?...
I've got a pale green caterpillar feeding on my nasturtium leaves. Been on websites, but still can't identify. Not a cabbage white. Anyone got any ideas?
Stuck on Three...... 12 Across ~ Dane is making copper container for Irish actress (6 & 6) *i*e*d / *u ***k -- 16 Across ~ Greek character to stick to series of bends (7) *h***n* -- 13 Down ~...
I'm entering a short story competition, but one of the rules is that pseudonyms will be disqualified. I write using my maiden name, if I enter the competition using my writing name, will I then be...
1down - unconventional rodeo, the outcome unknown (9)
I've got -E~~~O~O~
3 down Arranged for packet to be lifted into landing site (7)
I've got ~E~I~A~...
I would like to buy my daughter some timeless books for bedtime reading She is 3 and I'm thinking along the lines of the hungry caterpillar, the tiger who came to tea, where the wild things are. Can...
Does anyone know of a poem or song or just some words of comfort that I can send to my colleague at work. Her baby died when she was 36 weeks pregnant? I've had a look online but nothing seems quite...
5 down remarkable german starts walking below obstacle ?u???r???
11 across finale improving but lacks leader E???N?
16 across two small states put on large railway competition ?I???R?...