i saw a cool video on mtv saturday night early sunday moring where theres a doodle of man doin a funny walk to a really cool beat .the mans drawn in white an the background...
where can i dowload the tune "dance" by ESG its the one off the toyota verso advert with the two girl start dancing in wetsuits till the mans wife comes in ant turns of the music
right ive asked this b4 but got nowhere....im looking for the name of artist/paintin ....the best i can describe it is its like lookin at niagra falls without the water and there are some bodies lying...
can any one tell me the name of the song that has the lyrics...run run run c'est qu cest. (kest coo say)..i know it aint much to go on but i herd it in a bar last week an cant get it outta my head
whats the the music to the toyota verso advert when the mans on the beach and he looks out the window and two women are dancing untill his wife comes into the car and turnes off the tunes?
right im trying to find out the artist/name of a picture. i think its about people going to hell and there all sitting on on ledges .i know its a poor discription but hopefully someone can help...