8ac. petty, trivial. ?n??p??????. 17ac food covered in batter and fried. ?r????r. 46ac. farthest from the centre. ??t?e?e.80d.tyrannical person. ?o??y/ b??t?.87d. defame. ?l?c??n.101ac.senior member...
30a. regain[lost ground] gradually. slow ?a?k. 27d.secondary result b?/ p?o?u?t.44d. thing considered inferior to others of the same type. poor/ r?????o?. 62a. vitality tabletP?p/ ?c??.68a. study...
10ac. a little lochside monster whos a wee devil. ?e?o?. 11a. a tricky card game in brooklyn or ballachullish maybe. ???d?e. 25a. who will find the old pen place? ken will. ??k?e??. 22d. it would be...