/Teacher-s-jolly-to-Marbella-cancelled- After having to use their school for the training programme instead of going on the Marbella jolly, the...
I have just done it and I got a wig maker, an author of a book outlining wedding duties for men, and a psychologist. What comes up when you Google your name?
Hi , members of our team stick questions up on the office board the current one is either first artist or single for apple label Many answers none right. Any ideas?,
Hi there, This probably isn't the right section, but I can't find one on smoking. Can anybody tell me what type or size or brand of cigarette that has a small green band/ring that denotes the filter...
As long as I can remember my Mum has always crtitised me and made many judgements of me! As a teenager I was never at home and made wrong choices in boyfriends which I regret today but left home at an...
At last a politician realises what an awful mess we have created for ourselves. Many of us on AB have been saying this for years, now a politician actually comes out and says it....
Hi, I am watching Scream, don't watch many of this genre films after scaring myself silly in the 1980's Friday 13th etc etc sprees. Anyway whenever I watch a scaryish film I always think of ones that...
The property I?ve just bought has a coal fire that my wife wants to rip out and put in a gas one. I?d quite like to keep it as it gives character to the house. Does anyone still use a coal fire and if...
yesterday mornning i came out of hospital. i had taken an overdose of paracetamol about 70 - 100. after 7 or 8 hours i went to the locoal a&e i was admitted and put on parvolax with was to protect my...
In your mobile phone contacts list, how many numbers do you have for people who are; 1/Black? 2/Disabled? 3/Muslim? 4/Gay or Lesbian? 5/Ex-Convicts? 6/Ginger Haired?
Hi A close friends son ( age 10) has just been diagnosed with cancer. He is currently undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Things are tough financially for them and a group of us want to raise...
Hi there, my dad was diagnosed with motor neuron disease on mon. im finding it very difficult to keep my mind off the subject and keep crying about it. im only 28 and my dad is only 61, to know im...
hi guys, the new walkers crisps advert- (for "less % fat crisps or whatever these are) it is a different version of an old tune . anybody know what it is ? please. ;) cheers guys.
Less than half of the value of his bike the man was fined for killing a teenager by yelling at her to get out of the way and then running into her deliberately when she didn't move fast enough. And a...
hi my 4 year old has been toilet trained now for about 5 months and he is very good at going to the toilet by himself. but today he has had so many accidents wetting himself its not like him. i was...
Its been many many years since I've been camping, and , quiet frankly I've forgotten of all the essentials that might be needed, I know i need to take a tent, obviously but what the hell do I take
Im doing a little reading at a friends wedding on saturday, its a hippy wedding and they dont want no bible nonsense. Any suggestions?, poems really, something Contemporary ive got a few ideas but...
Hi, for quite a while now, if I am relaxing and go almost but not quite into a little sleep I get flashes of images come into my head. They surely cannot be dreams because I'm not actually asleep....